Crystal Reports Online Training

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4.05 Customizing the Group Name

Customizing the Group Name

In most circumstances, the group name that is displayed on the report is the current value. For example, if you are grouping by country, then the group name is the country name. If you don’t want to display the current value as the group name, you have the option of displaying another value instead. For example, a report group that lists how many products were sold for each day of the month is typically based on the inventory number. If the report is intended for users who recognize a product’s name, but not its inventory number, then the group header won’t mean anything to the reader. You want the group header to show the product’s common name.

Within the Group Options frame you can set another value to be displayed for a group’s name. Click the option button Choose From Existing Field to use another field for the group name. Then select that field from the dropdown box below it. When the group name is displayed, the value from the other field is displayed instead.

There are times when the group name you want to display isn’t a field the table. It could be a custom formatting field that is derived from a formula. To make the group name display a formula instead, click the option button Use a Formula as Group Name and then click the formula button.