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8.13 Tutorial 8-5 Creating a New Report Alert

Tutorial 8-5. Creating a New Report Alert

Let’s see how easy it is to create report alerts by walking through a simple tutorial. This example uses a report that prints sales by product and also shows which country the purchase was made in. Management has been worried that sales within South Africa have come to a halt over the past few months and they want the report to alert the user whenever there are new sales within South Africa.

  1. Open the Crystal Reports example report Group By Intervals. Save it as Report Alert Tutorial.rpt.
  2. Select the menu options Report > Alerts > Create or Modify Alerts. This opens the Create Alerts dialog box.
  3. Enter an alert name of South African Sales. Enter an alert message of Sales within South Africa.
  4. Click the Condition button to open the Formula Workshop. Enter the following Crystal syntax formula:

{Customer.Country} = "South Africa"

  1. Save the formula and close the Create Alerts dialog box.
  2. Refresh the report and you will be prompted that there is a report alert. Click the View Records button and you will see a tab of all the sales made within South Africa.