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B. 6 String Functions

Function Conversion Charts

The following charts show the equivalent functions between Basic syntax and Crystal syntax. Though many are the same, each table does have a few variations listed. The tables use the same table numbers so that you know where they are in the book and you can reference the sections if you need more information.

Table 6-1. String Analysis Functions

Basic Syntax Crystal Syntax
Asc(str) Asc(str)
Chr(val) Chr(val)
Len(str) Length(str)
IsNumeric(str) IsNumeric
InStr(start, str1, str2, compare) InStr(start, str1, str2, compare)
InStrRev(start, str1, str2, compare) InStrRev(start, str1, str2, compare)
StrCmp(str1, str2, compare) StrCmp(str1, str2, compare)
Val(str) Val(str)

Table 6-3. String Parsing Functions

Basic Syntax Crystal Syntax
Trim(str) Trim(str)
LTrim(str) TrimLeft(str)
RTrim(str) TrimRight(str)
Mid(str, start, length) Mid(str, start, length)
Left(str, length) Left(str, length)
Right(str, length) Right(str, length)

Table 6-4. String Manipulation Functions

Basic Syntax Crystal Syntax
Filter(str, find, include, compare) Filter(str, find, include, compare)
Replace(str, find, replace, start, count, compare)
Replace(str, find, replace, start, count, compare)
StrReverse(str) StrReverse(str)
ReplicateString(str, copies) ReplicateString(str, copies)
Space(val) Space(val)
Join(list, delimiter) Join(list, delimiter)
Split(str, delimiter, count, compare) Split(str, delimiter, count, compare)
Picture(str, template) Picture(str, template)