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14.09 Summary Information Class

Retrieving Summary Information

Every report has a variety of summary information saved with it. This information is set by the report designer and it usually consists of things such as the report author, the report title and report comments. This information is set during design mode by right-clicking on the report and selecting the menu options Crystal Reports > Report > Summary Info. The class that maintains this summary information is the SummaryInfo class. Although you can override the property values, more than likely, you will only want to read from these values. This information was set by the report designer and won’t need to change during runtime. There are only a half dozen properties that this class exposes (see Table 14-2).

Table 14-2. Properties of the SummaryInfo class.

Property Description
KeywordsInReport The keywords in the report.
ReportAuthor The author of the report.
ReportComments Comments about the report.
ReportSubject The subject of the report.
ReportTitle The title of the report.

The following code in this example displays a message box showing the author of the CrystalReport1 report. You can see that accessing these properties is very simple.

Dim myReport As New CrystalReport1