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14.16 ViewInfo Class

Crystal Reports also gives you a class called ViewInfo for deriving more information about the report’s status. It lets you find out if the user is viewing a page in the main page, a subreport, or a drill down view. You can also determine the current page number and the last page number (if it is known). The properties of the ViewInfo class are in Table 14.x.

Table 14-11. ViewInfo class properties.

Property Description
IsLastPageNumberKnown Is the last page number known for the report?
IsMainReportDrillDownView Is the report in a main report drill down view?
IsMainReportView Is the report in a main report view?
IsSubreportDrillDownView Is the report in a subreport drill down view?
IsSubreportView Is the report in a subreport view?
LastPageNumber The reports last page number.
PageNumber The current page number