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14.10 Report Option Properties

Setting the Report Options

The ReportOptions class only has a few properties that can be set. They are listed in Table 14-3. This information is set during design mode by selecting the menu options Crystal Reports > Design > Default Settings and selecting the Reporting tab. These properties were discussed in Chapter 2.

Table 14-3. Properties of the ReportOptions class.

Property Description
EnableSaveDataWithRepor Saves the latest data with the report. Allows report to be opened without a live data connection.
EnableSavePreviewPictur Saves a thumbnail picture of the report.
EnableSaveSummariesWithRepor Saves data summaries with the report.
EnableUseDummyDat Uses dummy data when viewing the report.
InitialDataContex The specific record or records that will become the initial data displayed in the CrystalReportsPartViewer.
InitialReportPartNam The name of the report part that will be displayed in the CrystalReportsPartViewer.

The following example sets the EnableSaveDataWithReport property to True.

Dim myReport As New CrystalReport1
myReport.ReportOptions.EnableSaveDataWithReport = True